Cell Balance


At Cell Balance, we deeply value the trust and partnership of our patients on their journey towards optimal health and well-being. We wholeheartedly appreciate and celebrate the stories of transformation that our patients generously share with us.

“Banoo is a very caring and experienced ozone practitioner who I would not hesitate to recommend”.
"My daughter has been seeing Banoo since she was 14 years old. Zoe is now 18 and has had ozone and prolotherapy treatments plus any other suggestions she recommends, on many many injuries over the years. Zoe is an elite athlete so it is important for her to be healed as fast as possible. Zoe has had everything from her shoulders, knee, foot, arms, wrist .. you name it she has had it healed with Banoo and all her injuries have healed so so well and so much faster than just leaving the injury to heal on its own. Banoo is a beautiful soul, so helpful, so giving, so kind and so knowledgeable. If you have any injury or pain at all then Banoo is the lady to see! It’s NOT a plaster it is healing you from the inside out 💛"
-Mother of Daughter Zoe

"I was diagnosed in 2017 with LGL Lymphatic Lukemia and placed on a program of medication which included Immune Suppressant drugs.After several months the terrible side effects of these drugs had taken their toll on my health, and the doctors were wanting to put me on a course of Chemo tablets and possible radiation treatment which I refused.My health by that stage had deteriorated dramatically and we started putting plans in place, as we could not see myself lasting the next couple of months ,my cemetery plot was bought and my funeral was loosely planned.I was introduced to Ozone treatment as well as Vitamin C Infusion by a family friend who had been receiving treatment for her Breast Cancer ,and that was when I met Banoo Matin.I was advised that I would require 10 treatments over 14days and should see a dramatic turnaround in my Blood levels, energy and general well-being ,after 6 treatments I was informed I wouldn't require the whole 10 treatments as my body had responded so positively to the treatment. My first blood tests after the Ozone course were nothing short of astonishing and my Oncologist was lost for words as to how everything had been turned around in such a short time frame ,I was energetic I had my appetite back and colour back in my face ,and everyone that knows me were gobsmacked with my new health transition. Six years on since my first Ozone treatment I can categorically say that Ozone and its Associated treatments have definitely prolonged my life and given me a better quality of life.I would highly recommend Ozone and its Associated treatments to Cancer sufferers especially those suffering from blood disorders and Cancers.I am more than happy to talk to people about my treatment and illness experiences by making contact through Banoo Matin. Thanking you."
-Geneva Murray
-70-year-old Cancer Survivor
"I highly recommend Banoo! every treatment I'm left feeling satisfied/positive with the results and I have noticed a huge difference with my overall mental and body health (eg: I'm able to be out and about driving). She is very knowledgeable and I'm very happy with every experience/ treatment I have and always recommend her to people I know!"
"I have personally experienced the benefits of using ozone therapy to treat stubborn viral infections.  I highly recommend Banoo Matin. Banoo is extremely kind and caring. She listens carefully to her clients concerns and tailors her treatment to suit."
"I was recommended to Banoo by my daughter who had a back problem. Banoo is the answer to everyone’s health problems. I had an injury in my rotator cuff and could only move my left arm up to my shoulder and I also years of back pain from polymyalgia and overuse. After my first treatment of Ozone and Prolotherapy, I noticed an improvement when swimming. I have had several treatments and can now reach my arm up high. The alternative if I had gone to a GP would have been to have a cortisone injection which only numbs the pain and doesn’t fix the problem. For years I have had bad circulation in my fingers due to arthritis and after IV treatment performed by Banoo, my circulation returned and most of my pain was gone. Banoo also used the ‘gloving’ technique on my hand for my arthritis. I had 2 major surgeries last year – one surgery was the removal of my first lobe and part of my third lobe of my right lung - and the IV treatment also made me feel ‘good and energised’ inside my body and my lungs are performing so much better. It was the best treatment ever! Banoo recommended Red Light therapy and after purchasing a red light panel, most of my aches and pains are now gone and I feel 30 years younger! Banoo imparts her knowledge for alternative treatments and natural medicine. Banoo is a beautiful soulful lady whose wish is to improve everyone’s life so we can be without pain and have a healthy life."